In de kern is Instagram een sociale media platform. Het is een plek waar mensen foto's en video's van hun leven kunnen delen met vrienden en familie. Maar het is ook een krachtige marketingtool voor bedrijven geworden.
In dit artikel bespreken we de basisprincipes van Instagram-marketing en gaan we na hoe u het gebruik het om uw bedrijf te laten groeien.
Instagram is een social media platform dat in 2010 werd gelanceerd. Het is eigendom van Facebook, en had in juni 2017 meer dan 700 miljoen actieve gebruikers.
Gebruikers kunnen foto's en video's delen op Instagram, die vervolgens zichtbaar zijn voor hun volgers. Ze kunnen ook andere gebruikers volgen, waardoor zij de foto's en video's kunnen zien die zij delen.
Instagram is om een paar redenen een geweldige marketingtool:
Instagram is een visueel platform, wat betekent dat het perfect is om uw producten en diensten te laten zien. Op Instagram kunnen gebruikers in één oogopslag zien wat u aanbiedt en hoe het eruit ziet. Dit maakt het een geweldig middel om uw bedrijf te promoten.
Instagram groeit snel in populariteit, met meer dan 700 miljoen actieve gebruikers in juni 2017. Dit maakt het een geweldig platform om een groot publiek te bereiken.
De mensen op Instagram zijn zeer betrokken. In feite zegt 60% van de gebruikers dat ze een nieuw product of dienst op het platform hebben ontdekt. Dit maakt het een geweldige plek om potentiële klanten te bereiken.
Nu we weten waarom Instagram een geweldige marketingtool is, laten we bespreken hoe u het effectief kunt gebruiken. Hier zijn een paar tips:
Wanneer als u uw bedrijf promoot op Instagram, is het belangrijk om afbeeldingen en video's van hoge kwaliteit te gebruiken. Hierdoor ziet uw account er professioneel uit en kunt u zich onderscheiden van de concurrentie.
Hashtags zijn een geweldige manier om een groter publiek te bereiken op Instagram. Wanneer iemand naar een hashtag zoekt, worden alle posts die die hashtag gebruiken weergegeven. Zorg er dus voor dat je relevante hashtags gebruikt in uw posts.
Het is belangrijk om regelmatig te posten op Instagram als uw volgers wilt aantrekken en ze betrokken wilt houden. Probeer één of twee keer per dag te posten, en zorg ervoor dat uw content interessant en relevant is voor uw publiek.
Verhalen zijn een geweldige manier om de dialoog aan te gaan met uw volgers op Instagram. Ze stellen u in staat om foto's en video's te delen die na 24 uur verlopen. Dit biedt een meer ongedwongen manier voor gebruikers om te communiceren met uw merk, en het kan een geweldige manier zijn om nieuwe producten of diensten te promoten.
Een van de beste manieren om uw Instagram volgers te laten groeien is door uw account. U kunt dit doen door uw Instagram-gebruikersnaam toe te voegen aan uw website, e-mailhandtekeningen en ander marketingmateriaal.
Influencers zijn mensen die een grote aanhang hebben op Instagram. Ze kunnen een geweldige manier zijn om uw bedrijf te promoten bij een breder publiek. U kunt met hen samenwerken om gesponsorde posts te maken of samen te werken aan andere projecten.
Het is belangrijk om je resultaten te analyseren en te zien wat werkt en wat niet. Dit zal u helpen om uw Instagram-marketingstrategie aan te passen en ervoor te zorgen dat u het meeste uit het platform haalt.
Instagram is een geweldig platform voor de marketing van uw bedrijf. Het is visueel, het groeit snel, en het 's bezig houdt. Gebruik de bovenstaande tips om een effectieve Instagram-marketingstrategie voor uw bedrijf te creëren.
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="I did this post for my personal photography blog, but I figured this is an important subject that I hope the Fstoppers community will benefit from. By all means add to this list in the comments below if you have any suggestions! I get this email all the time: ``I’m a new/aspiring/struggling/young photographer and I want to know what advice you have for me?`` " font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="I literally get this email or tweet or facebook message daily. I suppose that’s what I get for teaching at conferences and offering whatever possibly wisdom that I can share publicly. For a long time, I considered just making a form letter, but then thought that would also be very impersonal…so those emails and messages were placed in a folder awaiting a time I could give my personal input. "][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="So here you are. You’ve chosen one of the most challenging and highly competitive careers in the marketplace today. Are you crazy? Ah, that’s ok if you are because it is also supremely rewarding if you find your own success with it (I wrote an old blog post on my personal take on life as a workoholic photographer). Although, be prepared. It is HARD work. Most photographers statistically make poverty income if you consider the high expense of gear, insurance, and personal marketing. "][tm_blockquote text="We point past each other with our words, arguing as though we are looking at the same facts and experiences."][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Not all of you will succeed as shooters in the end… and that’s ok because you are going to give it your best and if it's not for you, there are a bunch of other related jobs you can do with your photography knowledge (retouchers, producers, agents, creative directors, photo editors, etc). In the end, the odds are against you, but if you are willing to work, plan, be strategic, and be true to yourself creatively…you may have a fighting chance to really make it! (Source:"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="I did this post for my personal photography blog, but I figured this is an important subject that I hope the Fstoppers community will benefit from. By all means add to this list in the comments below if you have any suggestions! I get this email all the time: ``I’m a new/aspiring/struggling/young photographer and I want to know what advice you have for me?`` " font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="I literally get this email or tweet or facebook message daily. I suppose that’s what I get for teaching at conferences and offering whatever possibly wisdom that I can share publicly. For a long time, I considered just making a form letter, but then thought that would also be very impersonal…so those emails and messages were placed in a folder awaiting a time I could give my personal input. "][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="So here you are. You’ve chosen one of the most challenging and highly competitive careers in the marketplace today. Are you crazy? Ah, that’s ok if you are because it is also supremely rewarding if you find your own success with it (I wrote an old blog post on my personal take on life as a workoholic photographer). Although, be prepared. It is HARD work. Most photographers statistically make poverty income if you consider the high expense of gear, insurance, and personal marketing. "][tm_blockquote text="We point past each other with our words, arguing as though we are looking at the same facts and experiences."][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Not all of you will succeed as shooters in the end… and that’s ok because you are going to give it your best and if it's not for you, there are a bunch of other related jobs you can do with your photography knowledge (retouchers, producers, agents, creative directors, photo editors, etc). In the end, the odds are against you, but if you are willing to work, plan, be strategic, and be true to yourself creatively…you may have a fighting chance to really make it! (Source:"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="I did this post for my personal photography blog, but I figured this is an important subject that I hope the Fstoppers community will benefit from. By all means add to this list in the comments below if you have any suggestions! I get this email all the time: ``I’m a new/aspiring/struggling/young photographer and I want to know what advice you have for me?`` " font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="I literally get this email or tweet or facebook message daily. I suppose that’s what I get for teaching at conferences and offering whatever possibly wisdom that I can share publicly. For a long time, I considered just making a form letter, but then thought that would also be very impersonal…so those emails and messages were placed in a folder awaiting a time I could give my personal input. "][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="So here you are. You’ve chosen one of the most challenging and highly competitive careers in the marketplace today. Are you crazy? Ah, that’s ok if you are because it is also supremely rewarding if you find your own success with it (I wrote an old blog post on my personal take on life as a workoholic photographer). Although, be prepared. It is HARD work. Most photographers statistically make poverty income if you consider the high expense of gear, insurance, and personal marketing. "][tm_blockquote text="We point past each other with our words, arguing as though we are looking at the same facts and experiences."][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Not all of you will succeed as shooters in the end… and that’s ok because you are going to give it your best and if it's not for you, there are a bunch of other related jobs you can do with your photography knowledge (retouchers, producers, agents, creative directors, photo editors, etc). In the end, the odds are against you, but if you are willing to work, plan, be strategic, and be true to yourself creatively…you may have a fighting chance to really make it! (Source:"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="A restaurant menu has a huge impact on customer psychology and can single-handedly improve your restaurant’s overall performance.
Here are 5 signs according to which you need to redesign your restaurant menu." font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Low Profits
Even if the sales are pretty high at your restaurant, and you are still not making a decent profit, it is time to review your reports. This time, however, look at the sales reports of the high-profit items. Chances are, the menu items that have a high-profit margin are not being sold enough. It means that the menu design has not been well thought of in terms of placing the items. Neither the soft-spots in your menu nor your decoys or highlights have been effectively used. All this makes visual aid through pictures or graphics (if present in a menu) redundant.
This is a tell-tale sign that you should repurpose your restaurant menu design. It is especially true when your restaurant is always full but still fails to generate enough revenue.
The unpopularity of Some Items
Contrary to the point mentioned above a sign that you need to change your menu design is also linked to the popularity of some specific items. While you may think there is no harm in having certain items in the menu that are not sold enough, over time it can potentially damage the business. For one, if certain menu items are not ordered, their ingredients may expire and you’d have to re-stock the ingredients only to have them wasted again. Also, you’d be losing out on the sale that a different menu item could be bringing in. You should always be on the lookout for new food trends and introduce innovations in your menu to attract customers.
If some items of your menu are unpopular to the limit that they are not ordered at all, you need to do some serious thinking about the way you have engineered your menu."][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Poor Customer Feedback
Even if you have scrutinized your reports carefully, you still may not reach the conclusion why certain menu items are not selling enough. To gain this understanding, you should take your customers’ feedback. The best way to do this is through a digital feedback form that asks specific questions about the dishes that have been ordered by the customer. For instance, someone who ordered a pizza is prompted to review the pizza. The digitized feedback form documents the response, and over a period of time, if you get consistent poor ratings of the particular item, you can either look into the preparation method or consider taking it off the menu completely.
Wait-Staff Having to Play Interpreter
Your wait staff is what holds your restaurant’s performance together. If they are not as efficient because they have been spending more time at customer tables solving their orders, they are basically doing the menu’s job and this situation is nothing less than a time bomb waiting to explode. If your customers cannot decide what to order from the menu itself it means that the menu is not explanatory enough. It could be due to the fact that your menu lacks basic food descriptions, it is carelessly set and is chaotic and crumpled in the very least. A vast and complicated menu can also be a turnoff for customers making them choose the least priced items, or constantly asking the wait staff for recommendations. "][tm_blockquote text="There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. ― Milton Glaser"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="High Food Costs
If your food costs are alarmingly high then it is time that you consider changing your restaurant menu. It is not just the high input cost that leads to escalating food costs. If a lot of food wastage is happening at your restaurant then you should cut down or replace certain items in your menu. It is always better to have menu items that have common ingredients that can be sourced locally and easily. Also, if the food cost is still high and the item is not selling that much, it is better to either change the placement of the item in the menu or remove it completely.
The purpose of a menu is to make sure that your customers can decide what they want and guiding them to the best dishes that you have got. If your menu is failing at this, these are the sure signs that you will most likely see. Our suggestion is, if 3 out of these 5 signs are a regular feature in your restaurant, it is time that you up your menu game!
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="“On this screen, we have added a photo gallery. You can clearly see how it is inspired by Don Norman’s first level of visceral design, and how it utilizes some foundational Gestalt principles, helping achieve our graceful degradation strategy for pre-webkit browsers. It’s very gestural, intuitive, designed for millennials.”" font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="One of the problems of using UX jargon in a conversation is assuming everyone in the room will understand what “graceful degradation” means in that context, or that they have read the same Don Norman book you have. If they don’t understand what you are referring to, they will not always interrupt you to ask. Most people feel embarrassed to confess what they don’t know. And this can bring catastrophic consequences for your project."][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="In many cases, the use of jargon is merely accidental — sometimes terms like “UI” or “parallax” will naturally come up as designers present the work to clients who have no idea what that means. In other cases, it’s a defense mechanism. Using complex words make people sound smart; make them sound like the perfect specialist in that topic. Which then enables them to charge more to solve the problem."][tm_blockquote text="Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does. ― David Carson"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="As a new technical term comes out, hundreds of courses, talks, e-books and blog posts start to pop up — claiming to teach you everything you need to know about `{`buzzword goes here`}`. You spend tons of money trying to catch up (“early bird tickets for only $999!”). When you finally overcome your impostor syndrome and feel confident enough to repeat that term out loud, the first thing you do is to update your Linkedin profile with that keyword — eventually fueling that same anxiety in other people. (Source:"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][tm_heading tag="h5" custom_google_font="" font_weight="500" text="Late January is a time when it’s easy to lose inspiration. Some people may have already scaled back the goals that they've set for the year.
A new entrepreneur might be already changing targets, pushing back dates and skipping the daily work that his or her resolutions required.
It’s not that he or she can’t do the things that are necessary. What happens is that people sometimes lose motivation and feel physically or psychologically unable to do the things they need to do to keep working toward their goals." font_size="lg:18" line_height="1.94"][tm_spacer size="lg:45"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Whether you're trying to hit your first million in sales, launch a new product or run a marathon, the same formula for success applies: Apply hard work consistently over a long period of time. The difficulty lies in sustaining motivation. Certain practices and habits can help keep you inspired throughout the year to continue working toward your goals."][tm_spacer size="lg:50"][tm_image image_size="custom" align="center" image="107" image_size_width="770" image_size_height="510"][tm_spacer size="lg:46"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Exercise not only pumps up your muscles, it pumps up your brain. A University of British Columbia study published last year found that aerobic exercise by elderly women boosted the size of thei hippocampus.
In addition, according to the Harvard Health Blog, exercise stimulates the release of chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells and the development of new blood vessels."][tm_blockquote text="Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends. ― Alphonse de Lamartine"][tm_heading tag="div" custom_google_font="" text="Health and exercise goals are common New Year’s resolutions. But it seems clear that people should not view exercise as simply a means toward fitting into their pants but also as an essential part of keeping their mind healthy and life balanced. Even if your goals don’t have anything to do with exercise, make physical movement a priority to stay positive and energetic. (Source:"][/vc_column][/vc_row]